The CCZ children’s programme is a department of CCZ in partnership with OneHope a with an objective of creating a better foundation for Children by supporting strong moral and Christian values in children
“Let the children come to me and do not stop them, because the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” – Matthew 19:14
Anchoring on this teaching, CCZ is committed to addressing the plight of Children through provision of holistic services and support by ensuring that the church is a safe place that prioritizes children, by improving their Spiritual, Physical, Emotional and Educational well-being. This is achieved through outreach , teacher training , discipleship, education support for Opharns and Vulnerable Children, HIV/AIDS awareness , gender inequality , sexual abuse and child protection programmes
This is achieved through outreach , teacher training , discipleship, education support for Orphans and Vulnerable Children, HIV/AIDS awareness , gender inequality , sexual abuse and child protection programmes.
And in order to build capacity and multiply the children Ministry Leaders in Zambia, The Council of Churches in Zambia with support from One Hope Southern Africa Region in Zambia has as of December 2022 trained 84 teachers.
The trained leaders have since gone out to multiply by training more teachers in different Churches across the country.As the teachers reach out to the Churches’, at least 21, 162 children are expected to lead the lives of many children to know God.